January 25, 2011

Back amongst the living.

WooHoo! I'm back amongst the living. I feel much better today. Been fighting the flu Thursday through Saturday, and recovering Sunday and yesterday. I skipped out on Zumba and bible study last night to get some much needed rest. Luckily I woke up this morning feeling much, much better! My muscles are still a little sore, but nothing compared to yesterday. I feel like myself again!

Is it crazy?
Sometimes I enjoy my alone time. Granted, not every day I like to be alone - but sometimes I get peace in just being by myself, doing nothing but lounging around and reading a good book or listening to music. Although I'm single and I do really have a lot of alone time, I feel like I rarely ever really get to enjoy it. I'm always on the go, and working two jobs is starting to really annoy me. I can't find time to finish reading my books that I've started and never completely finished (I'm bad at that, especially lately).

So I've been thinking to myself - what's a better way to catch up on some reading, find peace in just being me, and have some quality thinking time.....Well, that would be to take a vacation, alone. The thought has never occured to me, but I feel it's something that would be absolutely amazing. I think I would really enjoy it. I do take pride that I'm an independant woman - and being so, I should be able to go on vacation alone without people wondering if I've lost my marbles. I, of course, would choose a sunny, warm, beach area! I'm thinking something in the Florida area. It would have to be all-inclusive, as I really think those are the way to go sometimes! .....but then I come back to thinking about my responsibility as an adult, to pay off debts and earn a decent savings. I would be putting a financial strain on myself if I did indulge in such a vacation.

Would it be crazy to take a vacation anyways?

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