January 04, 2011

1st workout of the new year!

After work today, I met my date - the treadmill and the elliptical. I did 20 minutes (1.2 miles) of fast paced walking on the treadmill. I even tried to run a bit, but only made it about a minute. I guess it's too soon to try that so fast. ....After the treadmill, I did the elliptical for 20 minutes. I swear the calorie counter on that thing was broken because it said I only burned 50 calories in 20 minutes - never stopping. That can't be correct?? I refuse to believe it. I don't sweat much, at all (which irritates me because I see everyone else sweating and wondering if my body is even feeling the effects like their body is....) but I broke a tiny sweat on the elliptical. So, I had to be working my body in some way. I know I'm sore, my triceps hurt due to the ellipical's moving arms, and my hip even hurt walking around the grocery store! ......So I guess all in all, Day 1 of working out in the new year was successful.

Tomorrow is Zumba. I absolutely LOOOOOOVVE!!!!! Zumba. I would do Zumba every day if I could but I know that my bank account cannot handle it. There are sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays, both at 4:45pm. It's perfect because I can leave work, head straight there, and not be tempted to go sit my lazy butt on the couch! ;) ....I want to try a Body Pump class too, eventually. I don't want to pile too much on at once. I am bound and determined to get my sexy little body back.

Since I skipped lunch (I know, I'm bad.....I am trying not to skip lunches/meals anymore), I was super hungry after my work out. I don't have anything in the house, so I had to go to the store. Well, I didn't want to exactly come home and cook dinner because it would be super late - so I stopped and got one of my favorites. I stopped at Fazzoli's..... (I know, it's carbs, eeeek!), but instead of gorging myself out - I opted for the Kids Meal. It's so super cute....it's a tiny portion of spaghetti (like maybe 4-6oz) and a small drink. I only ate half the breadstick too. Before I would have devoured an entire regular sized spaghetti and two breadsticks, and then maybe some chocolate.....

I love how working out makes you want to treat your body better. I didn't do too bad with the spaghetti (and if I did, oh well - can't turn back time). :)

Crockpot Special ---- Tonight I am preparing lunch/dinner for the next few days. I bought some fresh chicken breasts (3), and a jar of salsa. All you do is put the chicken in the crockpot, dump a jar of salsa on it, and cook on low for 6-8 hours. After it's done cooking, you shred the chicken and then you have mexican chicken. I bought some WW (weight watchers) 2% cheese and fat-free sour cream, as well as some tomatoes to go on top of this! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

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